The gentle Likpas

The Little Men 1: Likpato

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Again a story of a martyre child... as Likpato has for mother a scragun. What an infortune... for her, as the gentle likpas are very difficult to martyrise.

This story will lead you in a long journey in the Likpa's country, then in Jamalika, in an hyper-secret base where the future of LikEarth is at stake! With of course a lot of bizarre things...

This story is named that way as a tribute to a french comic I like: «Les Petits Hommes», by Séron, a likpatous world where the characters are small like the Likpas, with also a town and machines at their scale. And also secret bases...

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Table of content


First part: Likpato -- The country of the gentle Likpas -- The great censorship

Second part: Punch-up with the Phallos

Third part: The Great Secret in Jamalika


First part: Likpato


I started this story early, in 2005 or even before. Still by the time we had ADSL or even phone modems, with 800x640 pixels screens, and black and while gif images. Hence the lower quatity. I bettered the images a bit, and colorized them. The quality goes increasing in the continuation.


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Somewhere in the sad town of Phallos and Scraguns, the young Likpato dreams to become an engineer...
But Likpato is a Likpa, and as such he is bullied by his classmates, and his teachers give him bad marks!
Even Likpato's mother hates him!
More serious, she prevents him of making his home work!
Of course, the next day at school likpato has zero... But Likpato is a Likpa, and the Likpas, they likpate!
But Likpato manages to complete his homework, and fob it in the teacher's bag. In more, he clogs Phallo's sarbacane with scato.
The scato-plugged sarbacane has terrible consequences... It is Bootliker who gets everything in his face.
What empathy and care, for Bootlicker, son of the notary!
Threats against Phallo sarbacane, Likpato weeps for lacking his likdaddy, and the teacher corrects homework while drinking bistoogn.
The alcoholic teacher does not understand why Likpato's homework is right, while Bootlicker's is wrong
Likpato learns that Bootlicker's father is expropriating the family of Phallo sarbacane, as a revenge.
As a matter of facts, the next day Phallo sarbacane is absent. But somebody disguised in Dark Phallo attacks Booklicker with a toy laser saber
Since the toy laser saber breaks at once, Dark Phallo finishes Bootlicker with bare fists. The affair makes a huge scandal in the school!

For history buffs, here is one of the very first images of the Likpas, dating from 2004! A gif with only 16 colours, and a simplified drawing, to save bandwidth (56Kb modems were still common by the time!). And this image occupied the whole screen! There was nothing else around it, just the borders of Internet Explorer and the navigation arrows! Whereas today you are watching videos of several dozen megabytes...

The images on this page date 2005, and were coloured around 2007.

Epoch image (2004) of the very beginning of the Likpas

My first idea was to do a Reiser-style caricature. At first it was fine, but later it turned out to be a very bad choice. First, it connected me with the ideas of Charlie Hebdo. Second, admit that the beautiful vibrations of the colouring serve the story much better, by placing it in a project for the future rather than claims from a dark past. The downside, however, is that I can no longer produce two images a week as in the beginning.

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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