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At last everything will be unveiled to the Likpas!
As to you, friend reader, you will have to still wait a bit... until you know what happened during this time on the Likpas Island... This will be told in the story of the Uranium war, and what was the stake of the war with the town, and why the Likpas consecrated so much effort to it.
While waiting, this story has a short epilog, very much in the Likpa spirit, where we learn what happens to several characters.
More a funny interlude! Do not turn the page, if you do not like to laugh!
Scroll the page down to read the story:
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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).
Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.
Pour les archives de ces pages avant Aout 2024, cherchez: