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At last you will find again Likpato, Rastalikpato and the professor, who are arriving in Jamalike, with the boat convoy. But what they found is beyond their expectations. Likpato really not imagined Jamalika like this... And the Great Secret?
This third part shows things which will prepare you to discover the Great Secret. But You will still have to read first what happened in the same time in the town, as recounted in the story of the Uranium War.
Scroll the page down to read the story:
But where do all those Rapzoys come from ?
Oh, if we speak of this, the feast is finished.
But how to do a feast after seeing THAT?
Well. First, those shabby and insalubrious dumps, it was a social program of the Mahaphallo to house quickly a great number of new colonists... who never came, given that they lost the Phallo's war. We decided to demolish them, and we told the Rapzoys that they just had to recover the bricks to build good houses. But they said that it was stupid to build new ones when there already was these ones.
Pfff! How lazy!
And the Rapzoys, how did they appeared?
It is from colonization. If was a dreadful disorder, we could not raise our children properly, even not keep the universities running. Many children born in slavery turned to the rapzoy, and others, even in the east, because of the guerilla and atrocities.
The Rapzoys of this generation are now old. But there is another much more serious threat: our race is becoming weak, because of consanguinity. Don't forget that we descend from only four persons, it is not a legend, the geneticists checked this. In facts the Rapzoys began to take birth, little by little, far before the colonization, and more and more are taking birth today. There are also genetic diseases which are spreading, such as daltonism, or people who cannot work, who are all the time tired. It is a very serious issue, and we are constrained to genetic medecine: the geneticists calculate the less dangerous combinations of parents, and the rastagunes make themselves pregnant by the indicated rastalikpas, rather than by their own husbands. Thou imaginest the problems this can arise, some couples suffer, even when they do this by artificial insemination. Especially that it don't work all the times: it is easy to eliminate a gene of daltonism, but we never found genes of phallotism, just some combinations which favour it.
In facts it is much more a matter of education. Then we take a great care of the education of our children, we try different methods. The best seems to be thoroughly organized educational communities. As soon as a child shows signs of phallotism, we put it in another group, much more monitored, to prevent him from contaminating the others or make them suffer. Because phallotism it is diabolically contagious, worse that the Great Epidemic in Haralik.
And the Rapzoys, we cannot allow them everywhere, they arise too much problems. So we gave them the old town, and some other places, where they do what they want. But it is difficult, we had to create laws, courts, and common utility work, all these terrible things we could even not imagine before in Jamalika. This is why there are so much rastacops. But the control of foreigners, the true motive it is the secret East Base, the place where you will go tomorrow.
In more the Rapzoys do trafficking weed with the groofios in the Phallo's town. In theory this is forbidden, but in practice the rastacops cannot do otherwise that letting do this and some other schemes, like their horrible pub «The Screaming Phallo» where we even not dare to enter. If we did not allowed them for some slack, we would lose any control on them.
Of course we try to re-educate the Rapzoys. It is difficult, and the only successful are the Blacks, our spiritual masters of the ancient cult of Jah Rastafalik. The rapzoys entrust them with an incredible veneration, and it is the only thing which prevents them to rebel. But this could happen, and there are already some who hold materialistic or violent speeches. For now, the situation is relatively calm, but there are more and more intimidation, as you seen. We always punish very severely any violence, but we cannot prevent the Phallos from phallotting.
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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).
Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.
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