The gentle Likpas

The Little Men 4: the country of the Gentle Likpas!

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Likpato discovers the beautiful real land of the Likpas... and somebody waiting for him!



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The two ULO soldiers bring Likpato to a very nice home, where somebody is waiting for him...
The two ULO soldiers invite Likpato to go to see the unknown Likpa alone. Everybody seems shy...
The unknown Likpa is Likpato's gentle likdaddy!
The likdaddy tells how hiw factory mates started to stalk and harass him even before his antennas started to grow...
His factory co-workers organized an accident, in order to make the likdaddy fired...
His wife shamelessly stalks the likdaddy!
somebody put secret documents in the Likdaddy's drawers, in order to make him arrest as a spy!!
The Likdaddy manages to flee. He encounters a strange Likpa whou brought him to the Likpa's land!
Echanges sur l'éducation entre le likpapa et Likpato
Finally Likpato gets more than he hoped, matter of education!
The likdaddy proposes several likrooms. But inevitabmy the discussion goes on impleasant topics, like the ongoing climate change.
The likdaddy tries to explain the reality of climate change. But he cannot, since the ULO put everything under secrecy The Phallos war
Instead, the likdaddy shows his painting workshop for a future of beauty!

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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