The gentle Likpas

The Little Men 6: the great censorship

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Strange things are happening among the Likpas: topics that should not be talked about, and even the ULO arresting Likpas! Likpato is shocked, but he is still very committed to find the truth, whether it is on the Likpater, or on the Mother!



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Boobette, a young Boobette from the town of the Phallos, is interrogated about a mysterious antenna that the Phallos are building. But the ULO technicians tell her nothing! Only when she is gone, the technicians speak of an antenna in Jamalika to stay in contact with «him»

This page was historically the first that I colorized. Before, everything was in ligne claire, black on white. This choice was motivated by the slow speed of the internet when I started to draw this comic: only rich countries had ADSL.

Colorizing a page in ligne claire requiers selecting each surface, a boring and lifetime-consuming operation. This first page was done using the «magic wand» in Paint Shop Pro. But it was not ideal: a thin white line remained under the black lines, making paper printing very difficult. After some tries of manual selection, better but time consuming, I had to do a Python script for a faster and better selection. We can say that this script saved several years of my life, especially when I had to colorise the hundreds of pages in ligne claire made before this one.

In any case, it looks much better in colors, we feel the vibes much better.

The first picture format (e=a in the URLs) was to fit in SVGA screens which were stanndard by the time, minus the borders in Internet Explorer. Since, I could make larger images (e=f). But I am still bound with the Windows 95 8 characters file names, since I have several Python and PHP scripts manipulating them. Only in 2024 I abandonned the multi-format system, heavy, complicated, and now useless since every device has a zoom.


In the town, Phallo Evening announces the discovery of the Pulsar, a fearsome and fascinating star. But already the polemics starts on who found it.
Other comments by The Bourg Paper
The Internet site of the Astrolikonomy Observatory of the First Encounter
Instead of polemics, the Likpas have deep philosophy
The Pulsar of the Likpas!
The Likpas express their emotions while hearing at the Pulsar. But Likpato thinks at the Likpater
Likpato Learns that the ULO has arrested five Likpas, and that the Likpater will not likpate again The martyre Likpa
Rastalikpato shows Likpato how to make an eliktronic circuit. But the conversation goes on the Mother. Rastalikpato strongly disagrees with the theory of the Mother being a DNA swamp, as Bobmarlik said that tthe Mother spoke. The Phallos war
Rastalikpato finds that the Interlik link on the book on Bobmarlik has been suppressed! The Phallos war
They go to the likdaddy's mechanics workshop
Likdaddy is making a waveguide for an antenna in Jamalika. The professor receives a letter saying that his mother has died!
The mother of the Professor died alone, by the fault of the Grombrandrin The Martyre Likpa
The case of the Professor reminds Likpato of the story of Likdaddy's friend. He asks about it, but the reply may not be pleasant La guerre des Phallos

Naviguer par pages: Arrow allowing to navigate from page to page. An image map gives the links for each arrow. Index of this story. Jumping several stories backward. Previous story. Next story. Jumping several stories forward.









Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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