The Gentle Likpas

Table of content of the second part: the ancient world of Haralik

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Of course the Likpas, and also the Phallos, have a lot to ask to the Mother: why is She here, who sent Her, what was the world of Haralik is like, not to mention her extraordinary cosmic odyssey! One of the first things the Rastalikpas guardians of the Mother do, is to connect Her to interlik, so that everyone, Likpa or Phallo, can know! She also pours Her knowledge into powerful freely accessible servers.

This second part is precisely about the world of Haralik, and what nearly destroyed it. How the likpas survived in a radioactive world, to finally eliminate phallotism and rebuild a free and happy civilikzation.

At the end of this part, we shall see the fantastic cosmic odyssey of the Mother, and her pathetic attempts to sow life on LiktEarth. Which will lead us to the third part: the complete history of LikEarth, especially the mysterious Oreal, and how the Phallos nearly destroyed everything again. Then we shall pick up the thread of this story, in the present: the world of LikEarth after the Mother, and several other still pending problems: the «others», the climate change not yet resolved and the terrifying U project!

The weekly updates were moved here (Update your bookmarks!)

An OOC discussion, what ChatGPT thinks of the Mother's story (OOC)

Text: Short History of Haralik (necessary reading)

Text: Long History of Haralik Tragic passages!

Text: The solar system of Haralik, maybe the most complicated you ever saw

Text: The tragic end of the Lyre Likpas Tragedy!

The fantastic space odyssey of the Mother, toward the third part

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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