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More detailed presentation of the History of Haralik, and of the progressive replacement of the neurotic Phallos by the free Likpas. How the Likpas had to create the Mothers, as instruments of their survival, before thinking at sending them in space
Caution: the tone of this part is often tragic. If you do not want to see this, warnings are provided
Haralik is a large planet (2.2 Earth masses) which orbits a yellow star slightly larger than the Sun. A very active plates tectonic gave Haralik a complex and varied geography, with more than 18 continents and a myriad of islands and lakes. There are many mountains, but they seldom exceed 3,000 meters high. They contain many diverse small metal mines. Volcanoes are also very numerous, but of small size, making them not much dangerous. This fragmented geography often made communication difficult, and it heavily favoured the emergence of many small isolated communities.
Because of the proximity of the two hyper-giant planets Foreal and Souphion, Haralik undergoes a short ice age cycle, only 455 years instead of 40,000 years on Earth. This cycle is known since prehistoric times, and it is called the Great Year. During a great summer, the climate is more favourable to the expansion of life in temperate zones, while during a great winter it more promotes the equatorial regions. In bad times, civilizations tend to degenerate, but without their populations disappear.
These conditions exerted a strong evolutionary pressure on the life of Haralik, and also on the history of civilizations. So that intelligent beings, the Phallos, appeared after only 2.2 billions years. Furthermore, the fragmentation of inhabitable lands in 18 continents of relatively small size, favoured the appearance of many races. 14 are historically known, but the legends mention over 40 in total. Only six are still existing today.
The oldest known History mentions only the Phallos. The History of the Phallos is that of thirty thousand years of unstopping racial wars, which, with the alternating Great Summers and Great Winters, have for long prevented the emergence of stable civilizations. But for five thousand years, a new deal appeared: the Phallos, stupid warriors, are more and more turning into Likpas, peaceful, wise and funny. This phenomenon, first discreet, became more and more important over time, and neither massacres nor eliminations at birth were never able to prevent the proportion of Likpas to grow continuously. There is actually no genetic difference between the Phallos and the Likpas: each race of Phallo has a race of Likpas. The Phallos all have the opportunity to become Likpas, but in general the lack of mastery of their psychology prevents them to make the choice of accessing the harmonious life of the Likpas. Therefore the appearance of the Likpas constitutes a further development, but in the psychological realm instead of the strictly biological realm. However it is clear that to remain a Phallo blocks the development of certain areas of the brain. We can therefore consider it as a form of mental retardation.
Alternating Great Summers and Great Winters were initially rather detrimental to the development of civilizations. Many ancient civilizations did existed the time of a favourable Great Season, but it took more than thirty thousand years for the appearance of the first civilization capable of surviving during an unfavourable season. Recent archaeological discoveries tend to confirm this pattern, to the extent where the remains of elikctric installations were found in ruins more than ten thousand years old. Probably these technological advances were eliminated by unfavourable Great Seasons, or more likely by the countless racial wars.
For the seventeen other Great Years, civilization has spread over Haralik. This period is extremely complex, and it was marked by numerous racial wars between Phallos, and by the onset of countries inhabited only by Likpas. These countries suffered many military setbacks, but curiously no race has disappeared at this time. It seems instead that the proportion of Likpas (or the degree of likpatitude) increased slowly but steadily over time, despite the terrible counter-selection made by the Phallos from all the epochs.
This period is known thanks to the survivors of Antakaralik, on the great continent of Arnolike. The rest is known only from archaeological surveys, or by accounts from more or less reliable Phallo travellers.
The increase of the number of Likpas allowed the emergence of the first stable modern civilizations, able to survive a great winter, and especially of the first countries governed only by Likpas. Thus, during the 58th Great Summer, the coalescence of smaller communities, some military victories and the beneficial influence of many religions allowed for the first time the emergence of a large Likpa country: the Arnolike, not on the ruins of the Phallos, but in continuity with them. This explains why the Arnolike Likpas were mainly living in cities, while gradually reconverting to a country life (which was called the rural exodus).
Once this situation consolidated, the Arnolike became the centre of a brilliant Likpa civilization.
The technical level of the Arnolike was, apparently, shared by the neighbouring Phallo countries, and probably all over the planet. But the many racial hatreds and travel bans prevented the Likpas to travel far outside the Arnolike, which explains their almost total ignorance of what was happening elsewhere.
However, the pink antennaed Likpas of the Arnolike already had a good knowledge of their immediate environment:
-A west, the great continent of Mamalik, populated by the Mamphallos, who had few Likpas since they always followed a strict policy of elimination at birth.
-At north, the country of the pink Phallos (the ones of the pink antennaed Likpas), quite hostile, which blocked the way to the peninsula of Karelik where the Lyre-Likpas were living in harmony with their Karphallos.
-At east, a mountainous regions fragmented into different countries, alternating Phallos and Likpa communities.
-At south, the great ocean of Ourneon, in the center of which stood Auweara, a wonderful island of flowers and butterflies, populated by the Likpas of Paradise, beige with multicoloured antennas. They had no Phallos since immemorial times. But, to avoid attracting a war, they declined all the invites to an alliance with the Likpas of the Arnolike.
The World War began abruptly by an attack from the Mamphallos, without notice. Their tank columns could invade the whole Arnolike within days, if the Likpas had not wisely prepared themselves in secret to such an eventuality. Their strategy was based primarily on huge secret weapons factories, in a vast base in the mountains of Antakaralik.
Antakaralik, a network of caves and old mines in the mountains of the same name, has been inhabited since immemorial times, by Phallos, and then by Likpas. However this occupation was mainly near the entrances. From this period, still remain large quantities of rock paintings (including the oldest known representation of antennas) and rooms set in temples with huge statues of a forgotten religion. Over the millennia these ancient temples were used as tombs, depots, prisons. But modern factories were installed early on at a much greater depth.
The modern occupancy of Antakaralik began with the exploitation of the huge mines in the depths of the mountain, as well as with the construction of four large eliktric plants on the underground river. Aware of the risk of an unprovoked attack by their warlike neighbours, the Likpas installed there endless rows of factories, but also their technicians and engineering schools, their laboratories and all their data banks.
Thus, when the tanks columns of the Mamphallos from Mamalik entered in the Arnolike, they had the unpleasant surprise of being immediately hampered by anti-tank defences rising from the ground as if by magic, while swarms of elusive partisans harassed them with surprisingly effective antitank rocket launchers. Then they found themselves caught between two walls of tanks spewing clouds of anti-tank hollow charge shells. And behind each wall was another wall, and so on.
It is said that the Black Gates of Antakaralik vomited continuous columns of tanks for three days, and after they continued to issue an unbroken line to the rhythm of the PRODUCTION! In some days of the blitzkrieg of the Mamphallos turned into a blitz-fail, while the Likpas of Arnolike invaded the whole Mamalik country, without encountering any significant resistance here.
One of the strangest stories of this war was that of the Concorde Highway, linking the two countries as a pledge of peace. The president of the Mamphallos inaugurated it in great regalia, just a few days before ordering the attack. Of course, the Phallo tanks had here a easy route to penetrate deep in the Likpa's land. But the Likpas were also wary of such a touching initiative, and, under the pretext of an eliktric power line, galleries had been set under the highway, all along the 200kms which were crossing the Arnolike. These galleries were then packed with explosives, the very night following the inauguration... And so, the Likpas only had to wait until the column of invading tanks was stretched all along the entire length of the highway, to initiate the explosives... 5000 tank in one shot! Those who heard the explosion speak of it as a strange and terrible sound, as if a gigantic motorcycle had travelled the skies of the Arnolike.
As the other Phallo countries in the east of Arnolike had joined the Mamphallos, and attacked from the east, the Likpas invaded them also, except the pink Phallos of the north, who had preferred to stay neutral, from their hatred of the Mamphallos.
All these countries were put under Likpa guardianship. Thus the Likpas found themselves masters of the largest block which ever existed on Haralik. The war also allowed them to link up with the smaller Likpa countries at the east of the continent. But the price to pay was heavy for these eastern countries: weak, isolated and unarmed, they were easy preys for the genocide initiated by the Phallos in the east, during the attack. Many were caught in their bed, and the other survived with hiding in the mountains. At the time of the Nuclear War they were still few.
The sixty years which followed the Great World War were the finest in the history of ancient Haralik, before the Nuclear War. Technological progress led to extraordinary discoveries, and the Likpas were considering sending their first satelliks in space. However, they remembered the lessons of the Great World War, not disarming and continuing to develop Antakalalik into a huge technological and scientific machinery. This is what allowed them to survive later.
On the surface, the whole Arnolike grew into a beautiful country, where cities were becoming less important. Peace favoured the arts, scientific studies and spiritual practices. Arnolike became a centre of culture and civilization never seen before on a Haralik planet ravaged by racial wars since immemorial times. Even the spectre of war seemed to move away, with many more tolerant and democracic laws in the neighbouring Phallo countries.
When the Likpas discovered the fission of uranium, they quickly understood the impending danger. They arranged Antakaralik into a huge atom bomb shelter, stockpiling all the possible resources. They launched the development of powerful jet fighter aircrafts. But it was already too late: heavy radioactive fallout had already taken place years before, indicating that the Phallos had already started a nuclear war, somewhere on the other side of Haralik. The end was only a matter of a few years.
It is not known exactly when the nuclear war started, because significant fallout had taken place years before the first explosions on Arnolike, and the devices which destroyed if were already sophisticated high power FFF models. It was never known either who manufactured the bombs, who launched them and why.
It is just thought that they were Phallos, because no Likpa was mad enough to only consider using weapons which destroy their own offspring.
The first known blow was for the wonderful island of Auweara. The peaceful Paradise Likpas had accepted, just some days before, a medical unit from the Arnolike, for research on a genetic disease common among them. It is probably their radio transmitter which attracted the attention of the attackers. The last message reported a large unknown aircraft flying at high altitude over Auweara. Then it abruptly stopped in a big crackling noise, while a strange dawn lit up the sky for hundreds of kilometres around. The first ship to see Auweara the next day found only a plain of quick lime, from which emerged the three basalt hills and the ancient Spyramide of the Paradise Likpas, fully vitrified, where the last day was lying a wonderful forest enchanted with poetry, beauty and singing. It took over a week to understand what had happened, because nobody knew that such appalling destruction machines could exist.
Of the thousands of species of butterflies and flowers of the ineffable paradise of Auweara, of the wonderful paradise Likpas with multicoloured antennas, remained only some photos.
The second blow was for Karelik, the country where the Lyre-Likpas were living in harmony with their masters the karphallos. Of the Lyre-Likpas, pink with long gracefully curved antennas, remain only some hours of recorded music, operas of a sublime beauty, which libretto are lost. And nobody dares to listen to them, because of the huge nostalgia attached to the obliteration of such artists.
After, comes a terrible litany of burning cities, layers of charred bodies, millions of blind and hungry refugees vainly seeking an impossible shelter.
Antakalalik played its full role as a shelter, but very soon it turned out insufficient. Tens of thousands of wounded crammed here, without food and no hope of receiving medical care some day.
Antakaralik received three direct blows, of high power devices exploding on the ground. Fortunately, the vast network of natural or artificial galleries spanned more than one hundred kilometres. Antakaralik little suffered from the direct hits, but it was an harrowing experience for its inhabitants.
Then there was the Great Epidemic. In only two days, the Arnolike Likpas began to massively die of a kind of flu. Realizing that it was even no longer the matter to save people, but to save the very existence of their species, the Likpas of Antakaralik immediately closed the doors. And, as countless refugees were trying to force them, they dynamited the access corridors. It was a horrible decision, since many residents of Antakaralik still had friends or spouses outdoors. Nobody dares to think about what happened next, outside, with the last desperate survivors dying of hunger, cold, illness or irradiation.
The Great Epidemic also struck the Phallos. Mamalik saw a dreadful plague which covered the body with black boils. Others died in excruciating pain or frightful convulsions. In a few terrible days, all the huge cities all Haralik changed into mass graves rotting in the open air. Then came a final silence, on a dead world... The Great Epidemic had eliminated the Phallos throughout Haralik. All the Phallos, innocent or guilty.
The last thermonuclear bomb exploded one month later on a now desert continent. The epidemic probably not reached the shelters of the bomb launchers, but it had neutralized the industrial fabrics which allowed for their manufacture.
It has long wondered what had caused these terrible epidemics. It is generally accepted that unknown Phallos launched an offensive of biological warfare, and that Likpas would have answered in the same way, but with selective anti-Phallo viruses. The idea that Likpas could have used biological weapons is extremely disturbing, but the fact is that, without this desperate action, all life could have completely disappeared from Haralik.
Nearly sixty thousand pink Likpas, and twenty thousand of other races, found themselves locked in a chaotic Antakalalik. And only a few dozen Boobettes. The Likpas could live an underground life, but not them.
This quickly posed a formidable challenge: reproduction.
Initially, the metamorphoses allowed to have more Boobettes. By hormonal controls, they gave only Likpas, twins or quadruplets. Let us figure out the situation: The Boobettes had to start procreating very young, and agree to have their uterus managed as baby factories. This allowed each of them to have fifty to one hundred descendants. But past the few years of breeding, they had to get outdoors. To find the trees and the sky. And give up reproduction forever, and be condemned to death from the radiations.
Other issues, energy, food, maintenance of knowledge, were not easy either to resolve. The Likpas started with synthesizing all their food in their chemical plants. To synthesize everything, from proteins to vitamins, in tanks which were used to make explosives. As this was not enough, they had to build huge hermetic greenhouses, outside, in order to feed without exposing their crops to radioactive rain and airborne dust.
On the surface, nature was quickly finding its rights again, on a now desert continent. But most soils were seriously contaminated with strontium or caesium.
Without forgetting the yet possible risk of an armed attack by Phallos who may have survived somewhere.
To counter this risk, Antakaralik maintained a radio receiver network. But the number of emitters in the world was inexorably declining, and only twelve years after the closure of Antakaralik, all the radio bands became completely silent. Most often, the emissions stopped abruptly, but sometimes the authors announced the end. Extremely pathetic last emissions were recorded... Certain races of Likpas are known only by these emissions, such as the Likpatinis, the funniest ones with their jiggle bells antennas. They were headquartered, defeated and massacred live, without nobody can do anything to help them. Of the Likpatinis, remain only ruins, some strange and moving books, and an incomplete genome, unusable.
But the most vicious problem was the accumulation of genetic diseases, the most terrible long-term effects of radioactive fallout. The whole first generation of Antakaralik had been irradiated, and over the centuries recessive genetic diseases would go accumulating, irrevocably destroying the Antakaralik community and any other community of survivors. The Likpas were condemned.
For these reason, the scientific efforts of Antakaralik were almost exclusively oriented on two subjects: thermonuclear fusion, and the manipulation of the genetic code.
Two hundred years after the Closing, in the midst of the Great Winter, the Likpas were only eight thousands in Antakalalik, their biodiversity existing only in the form of body parts preserved in liquid nitrogen.
But a new violet flame was now shining in the heart of the mountain: the thermonuclear fire! This increased energy allowed to grow crops in the caves, using powerful lamps. At about the same time, the first genes were coded electronically, and then transcribed again into living molecules. Powerful computers were recording the genomes of all the survivors and the dead, to track down the genetic diseases and other deleterious mutations. And save the largest possible number of alleles, the greatest biodiversity: it takes more than a thousand genomes to actually save a race!
The number of Likpas still declined to as little as five thousands, but now their genes were safe in the memories of the computers, especially the most minority races. It took more than a century to be able to entrust the whole education of a baby to machines, but the Likpas eventually went there: the first Mothers began to repopulate Antakaralik, with beings in perfect health despite the radioactive pollution which was still covering the region. Thus the Likpas could multiply again, despite the radiations, thanks to Computer-Assisted Procreation (CAP): insemination by ovums, with a cleaned genome, restored from computer files encoding for the parental genomes. Without the Mothers, nobody could have survived in the caves, and the communities would have eventually died out.
Genetic support also allows for a longevity of 1000 to 2000 years, instead of a hundred years for the naturally born Likpas.
Gradually, he nuclear pollution decreased, and at least it was no longer threatening their descendants. The Likpas of Antakaralik came out again, emboldening into rebuilding villages and fields. It was the 61st Great Spring, the second since the nuclear war. With the Mother, their number went increasing again.
Genetic control allowed to settle and live on the less radioactive lands. For this, a sinister cadaster showed the most polluted plots: the terrible «patches». The largest sources of radioactivity, strontium and caesium, were extinct, but the neptunium and plutonium would still need thousands of years to relinquish their deadly embrace. So people were often dying young, of cancer or leukemia, but at least the Mothers allowed for the birth of perfectly healthy people, free of any genetic disease.
The mothers would theoretically allow for repopulating Haralik in a few years. But the Likpas had to educate all these children, so that they did not became Phallos. The disease of being a Phallo had already cost so much suffering!! They had to eradicate it definitively.
So the Mothers were programmed to give the basic education to the Likpa children, while remaining supervised by real Likpas. And a merciless selection was made, to remove all the alleles which predispose to phallotism. These alleles were not erased, and even some were reintroduced later, but only if it was sure that they could not give a personality sick with phallotism.
Gradually the Likpas repopulated the Arnolike. The country was now covered with thick forests, but everywhere were found ruins and traces of roads or fields, bitter memories of the terrible tragedy. Sometimes concrete stubs were still emerging from the trees. Most hydraulik dams were found still in good condition, despite the lack of supervision. But no mechanical or elektric equipment remained: only heaps of rust and oxides. Animal life also had reasserted itself, but the large boobals (mammals) had all disappeared, never to be found again.
Rebuilding a civilization from almost nothing was not an easy task. It took another great winter for the Likpas to recreate a population and an industrial fabrics. It was only on the 62nd Great Spring, fourteen centuries after the tragedy, that some races made the project of migrating to their countries of origin, seeking to find the places where their ancestors once lived.
Thus was launched the exploration of Haralik, their own planet of which the Likpas knew only one third. Early exploration already took place during the 61st Great Summer. The 62nd Great Spring saw the launch of a comprehensive detailed overview of the whole Haralik, using powerful aircrafts with thermonuclear propulsion. But it took almost thirty years to install a network of fortified airfields all over the planet.
The explorations showed everywhere the same pathetic landscapes of overgrown ruins. Thus, prior to the war, Haralik had been entirely covered with modern civilization, sometimes more advanced than the Arnolike.
They found the demonic reactors which were used to produce uranium, plutonium and bombs. Some old people had to volunteer to cover one of the reactors which had broke, and which radioactivity was still spreading with the wind and rain. Then these nuclear tombs were sealed forever to all living beings.
Against all odds, ten communities of survivors were found. The main problem that all had to endure was the multiplication of genetic diseases due to the radiation received by their ancestors during the war, and since chronic irradiation from the radioactive soils. Each had found an original solution, or had enjoyed some special circumstances which protected them from the fallout.
One of the most extraordinary case was the one of the Tibetan Likpas, which regularly used divination to see if an ovulation was conducive to life or of disease. They fared well, with only ten percent of sick, while their Phallos the Gyamilalos who lived a little further, were extinguished only two centuries after the war. In this desert climate, the ruins of their fields and homes were still well preserved, and they emanated a poignant pity for these disappeared people, despite all the atrocities they did against the Tibetan Likpas.
Some races were barely saved from extinction, like the Indian Likpas with hair (Mayalikpas). They were only twelve elders surviving miserably in a dirty village, that they no longer had the strength to maintain. Fortunately they possessed immense catacombs where they kept the hair of their ancestors long before the Nuclear War, allowing to easily recreate the race: before dying, these elders had the happiness of seeing the first babies born again. They also stored in their underground tunnels millions of optical discs, without any longer knowing how to use them, but that they still considered as the sacred memory of their ancestors. And indeed these disks allowed to regain most of their civilization, including a fantastic quantity of philosophy, culture and music!
In all, six races of Likpas were preserved in Antakalalik, or found among the survivors, on the fourteen really known before the Nuclear War. Were rescued the pink Likpas with antennas (those of LikEarth), the Rastalikpas, the Tibetan Likpas with hair, the Indian Likpas with antennas, the Indian Likpas with hair, and the Babaliks (Hippie Likpas with flowers in their hair). But ancient stories and legends mention about sixty.
Tragedy! But the Golden Likpas, great architects, were sadly extinct a few years before the planes flew over their last village. Their poor mouldy remains did not allowed to reconstruct complete genomes. Great architects, they left huge ruins which had resisted even to the atom bombs. Their two main cities each received a direct hit, but the Golden Likpas had already distributed a large part of their activities in the surrounding countryside. So their community recovered well, and even undertook a reconstruction program, unique for the time. But three centuries later, they were thunderstruck by the genetic diseases, and they had to abandon any project. When the explorers landed, they found only a few moldy skeletons, all with genetic diseases. These unfortunately not allowed to reconstruct complete genomes, since the healthy genes were already lost for centuries. Fortunately, their major philosophy books could be found in old vaults, and they are still inspiring many existing religions, music, theatre, psychology and martial arts. Some are even considered the most important philosophy treatises ever written.
Phallo communities were also found among the survivors. Armed with sticks or swords, they were no longer a major threat. So they were left quiet in closely monitored reserves, after taking from them the genetic material which allowed the reconstruction of the corresponding Likpa races. This led to some surprises, like finding the barmy funny Babaliks recovered from the Punk Phallos.
It appeared here that the Great Epidemic had operated a fantastic selection in favour of the Likpas. The phallos communities had over 80% of Likpa children, and they remained Phallos only because they killed the Likpas at birth. This barbarous custom earned them to stay miserable and few, and of course it was banned immediately.
Exploring Haralik quickly laid the foundations of a new planetary civilization. The Likpas undertook the transformation of their planet into a paradise, embellishing the natural landscape and restoring the ecological balances where it was destroyed, if it was possible.
Knowing their world now safe from the threat of war, the Likpas of Haralik grew openly, but slowly and carefully, so as not to recreate the conditions of a reappearance of phallotism. When Phallos were born, they were isolated in centres where they could live in their own way. Their number never exceeded 5%, and it is declining steadily since.
An urgent task was to reconstruct the entire agricultural biodiversity of cultivated species. About 17% were found back, and still sometimes lost vegetables or rare spices resurface in a building site or an archaeological excavations. But unfortunately there is no hope of finding back the large animals who once roamed the forests of Haralik. Only a few species have been reconstructed from wool or leather, such as the moutous (an incredibly aggressive animal) or the likornes (cows with one horn, like rhinos).
The reconstruction of a powerful industrial and economic fabric allowed the Likpas to fully repopulate their planet. One of the first activities of the New Haralik was the systematic exploration and preservation of all the ruins. But with the need for living space, it was decided to retain only the most poignant, or to seek only for the bones for the reconstitution of the races. To this end, detailed preventive surveys are carried out systematically before any construction, and it still happens today that the shout of «genome genome» suddenly freezes all the activity on a building site.
This recovered force allowed the Likpas to finally undertake a project so dear to their heart: the exploration of space. For over three centuries, space probes and manned spacecraftd successfully landed on all the planets of the Haralik system. Even the dreadful Haphazer, the planet of ambers and tar, was visited by powerful robots capable of withstanding its hellish heat.
However Bombalik was the object of all the attention of the Likpas. Indeed it soon appeared that Bombalik was likformable, and today the colonies already have thousands of residents. The climate is starting to change, and the eternal ice floating on its oceans has lost half of its thickness.
However the most Likpatous project was undoubtedly the inseminating probes. In the impossibility of inhabited interstellar travel, but with the Mothers able to create life, the idea appeared obvious to send on other systems some Mothers bearing only genetic codes in computer databases. Once arrived on a suitable planet, the Mother then undertake the likformation of the planet, releasing bacteria capable of altering the environment. Then, once the conditions are met, and a stable ecosystem established, they would give birth to the first Likpas.
For us authors of this text, it is totally impossible to know whether such a crazy project even has tiny chance of success. But if you read this, it is that it has succeeded. May you develop harmoniously in peace and happiness, without ever leaving the phallotism take any power over your lives.
Today we visited the caves of Antakaralik with our school. I was very impressed. All these galleries lit with small lamps and these completely black walls it was terrible and very sad. We really have the feeling that people were unhappy. We wonder how they could live in there, to spend their entire lives without ever seeing the Sun or the sky. I would not like to live at this time. At lunchtime we ate synthetic food. It was not good. And yet, we visited the parties where the Boobettes can go. The parts for the Likpas give a feeling as it was very small, very stuck in. We also saw the Black Gates, but we could not enter because it is collapsed. It is the Likpas inside who blasted the galleries, for not catching the great epidemic.
When I shall be grown up, I want to have children, but with my husband, not something that a machine puts in our belly. I heard that the first natural fertilization experiments will start in five hundred years. But I shall be already old. Really the nuclear industry was not good. It was very selfish to build plants without thinking that we would be sick.
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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).
Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.
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