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The Haralik Solar System, planet per planet, and the stakes associated with each of them
It is probably one of the most complicated and diverse, with a possibility of likformation, but also a collision which threatens.
Mass: 28 Earths
8 millions kms from the Sun
density 5
atmosphere 2.2 bars, transparent with clouds.
Haphazer always shows the same side to the Sun. Then its surface temperature ranges from 300 to 1300°C, depending on whether we are on the side which receives the sunlight or not. It has an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, neon and other dense rare gases, with clouds of soot, for a pressure of 2.2 bar.
Haphazer is a monstrosity, a giant telluric planet, a hellish world never imagined before in any science fiction book. At the centre is liquid iron, then an internal mantle of silicate magma, and finally an outer mantle of 2300kms of coal. This iron produces a huge magnetic field. The two mantles each have their own tectonics, making it the most complex geological structure and the most active ever observed. The black surface, heated to incandescence by the nearby sun, is a perpetual fire that nothing will never extinguish. Earthquakes occur several times per day, while hundreds of huge volcanoes reject carbon dioxide, hydrogen, helium, neon, sulphur, sulphides, molten metals and metal carbides. The carbon volcanoes make terrifying explosions, leaving huge calderas. On the face which never receives the sun, lays a gigantic ocean of molten asphalt, liquid as water, on which nothing can float. Channels lead this bitumen to the lit side, where it evaporates, forming gigantic clouds black as ink. The temperature contrast between the two hemisphere produces terrible storms, with winds capable of pushing rocks, bitumen rains and supersonic tornadoes which din can be heard at fifty kilometres.
The adjective «haphazardous» comes from the name «Haphazer»
Mass: 0.3 Earths
22 millions kms from the Sun
density 6
no atmosphere
Mass: 0.8 Earths
31 millions kms from the Sun
density 5
no atmosphere.
This planet is in a stage of active volcanism due at the end of solidification of the mantle, as it occurs on small planets usually without active volcanism. It shows great Martian type volcanoes and continental size basalt flows, like on the Moon.
Mass: 1.4 Earths
45 millions kms from the Sun
density 5
atmosphere C02 40 bars
Very volcanic surface, showing a plate tectonics. However due to the temperature the continents have little heights. There is a lot of water on this planet, but it exist in the liquid state only under pressure, in the depths of the ground. Because of this, the volcanoes are very violent.
(pronounced Goranne)
Mass: 6 Earths
56 millions kms from the Sun
density 4
atmosphere CO2 + nitrogen 800 bar
The surface of this planet shows little relief because at that temperature the rocks begin to flow. Anyway the very active volcanism regularly covers this surface with vast plains of basalt. There is a plate tectonic, but on a small scale (about 500kms cells) which produce networks of hills arranged in circles or hexagons.
Mass: 12 Earths
90 millions kms from the Sun
density 4
atmosphere C02 nitrogen and water, 30 bar
This giant telluric planet is covered with a vast ocean of boiling water. At approximately 150 kilometres deep, this water turns into ice, but a different ice of ordinary ice, known as type 7, more dense than water, which keeps it at the bottom. This ice is mixed with carbon dioxide, methane and other solidified elements. It also includes thick layers of coal and sulfides. Further down, there are rocks and the usual iron core of the terrestrial planets, with a powerful tectonic in the layer of silicates, without however that the rock melts anywhere. This convection is heating the layer of ice and coal, also animated by intense convection flows, to the point of frequently bringing rocky moraines on its surface. This phenomenon is also the cause of the coal and sulfide layers. At this level are found pockets of supercritical water (half liquid, half gas) at temperatures of several hundred degrees. These pockets quickly rise through the ice, producing a frighteningly explosive water volcanism, but which effects however never reaches the surface of the ocean. The ocean is in thermal equilibrium with the atmosphere. It is also saturated with carbon dioxide, also in equilibrium with the atmosphere. Finally it is extremely acidic, with a Ph of 2. The atmosphere over the ocean is fully opaque, a layer of thick poisonous fog perpetually touching the surface of the water, so thick that it is almost night on the ocean. This atmosphere is traversed by cyclones and storms, and it shows bands of clouds like Jupiter.
Mass: 2.2 Earths
127 millions kms from the Sun
density 5.4
T°25 °C
atmosphere nitrogen + oxygen 2 bars
Telluric planet resembling Earth. However his younger age and its larger size led to a smaller scale plate tectonics, which gives many small continents and many islands of all sizes. Volcanoes are numerous, very active, but smaller. They rarely are acidic, and often komatiitic (hot lava at 1600 degrees, liquid like water, which also formerly existed on Earth). The mountains are also numerous, but rarely higher than 3000 metres. There are many resources and mines of small sizes, with large deposits of gold, graphite and diamonds.
Mass: 2.4 Earths
172 millions kms from the Sun
density 6
atmosphere CO2 + nitrogen 1 bar
This planet is similar to Haralik, but its larger size leads to even more continents and a very active volcanism. Its distance from the Sun however results in a lower temperature: water can exist in the liquid state only under several hundred metres fast ice. Its oceans are inhabited by a small number of species of plankton, with the same genetic system than on Haralik. Probably the planet was inseminated by a rock blasted from Haralik by a meteorite impact.
Mass: 0.02 Earths
215 millions kms from the Sun
density 3
T°-80°- 150°C
atmosphere 0.01 bar CO2
Small moon-like world, without volcanism and tectonics, but with still an active nucleus.
Mass: 8 Jupiters
415 millions kms from the Sun
gas giant planet
Mass: 12 Jupiters
418 millions kms from the Sun
gas giant planet
These two bodies are giant planets, of the Jupiter type, not very far from becoming stars. They are hot enough to emit their own light. Their orbits are very close, so that, even if they seem to orbit separately, they are in fact linked together by their gravity: If we deleted the Sun, they would orbit around each other. At a point of their orbit, they are close enough to produce tides, each one on the other. This situation makes them getting slowly closer to each other, making them likely to coalesce in a far future. The resulting body would then no longer be a planet, but a brown dwarf able to initiate thermonuclear fusion of deuterium.
The large mass of these two planets considerably disturbs the inner planets. Thus Haralik and Bombalik undergo periodic changes in their orbits, resulting in a fast ice ages cycle: the Grand Year, approximately 500 years. There is also a risk that these orbits change suddenly, before the end of the life of the Sun.
An empty area extends far beyond Foreal and Soophion. This area probably appeared during the formation of the planets Foreal and Soophion, which may have swept large portions of space. There are only a few small bodies in resonance with the two planets, probably arrived here later.
A dozen bodies of some thousands of kilometres, and hundreds of smaller ones, form the outer belt of the system.
It contains millions of comets, some prettily massive.
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