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At the end of the second Phallos war, the likpas and the boobettes invade the royal palace, with the king, the queen and the Mahaphallo.
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At last we are to know what this mysterious MOTHER is!
The stories of this second part are in a much more moving mode than the previous comic stories...
And you are about to understand why this story is referenced as «science fiction». Although, nothing in the immense production of science-fiction writers prepared you to THIS!
If thou readest this story in first, thou willst not feel the emotion. It is much better to read the stories in the indicated order, and feel the building up of the mystery, as the Likpas experienced it. Here is the start
If thou readest the other stories, thou canst continue :-)
To pass through this page is the only way to access the SECOND PART of the Likpas stories.
From this point on, it is strongly recommended to look at the images in full screen. To enter and exit this mode, use the F11 key.
Some images on this page are of lesser quality. A bit as in «Tintin in the Land of the Soviets», which was never redrawn, as a testimony of the epoch. For the images on this page, they are almost the first ones I drew, in a time (2003) when the Internet was still going through telephone modems: we needed small images (SVGA, 800px * 600px!), and color could not be added until later around 2007 (hence the use of hatching for shadows).
To be able to figure the violent and contradictory feelings which are moving the Likpas in this unique moment, we must well understand what the Great MOTHER deeply represents for them, and the few things they really know about Her.
For the pink antenned likpas, who know their ancient History only through the propaganda of the Phallos of the town, the MOTHER is a kind of legend, at the origin of all life. A cursed legend, as the Phallos don't like to speak of Her, as of a shameful thing. They even deny Her reality, while stubbornly pretending to be Her only true descendants.
Among the Occitan likpas, whose origin seems older than the Phallos of the Town, the MOTHER is at the centre of incredible stories. Not only She gave birth to legendary immortals, the Sons of the Mother, but in more She came from another much mysterious island: Haralik, that nobody ever found. If even it really existed, as its story seems magical, impossible: it was inhabited of incredible beings, gigantic animals taller than one metre, submarine flowers, animals living into the water, while the Likpas were dwelling into hundred storey houses, speaking each other at hundred kilometres with copper wires, wandering into the sky with the Vion... And all this would have disappeared without any trace!
When the Rastalikpas of Jamalika were discovered, it happened that their founder Bobmarlik was precisely one of the Sons of the MOTHER, and for this reason he was the last living immortal to have actually seen Her. He was commonly speaking to Her, as to a person, but he also said that She created all forms of life, up to medicinal plants with special marks to allow for recognizing them, the famous barcods that the Likpas also knew. Alas Bobmarlik was assassinated by the Mahaphallo, just one year before the likpas found Jamalika, cutting down any hope to understand something into all these things. Only remain inunderstansable depictions, more prehistoric wall carvings showing a stylized face of the MOTHER holding the two «svaslikas», the «vion» and the «dehena molcul»...
After some scholars, the Mahaphallo himself, who was already present several centuries ago when the Likpas started to write their own History, would be one of these immortal Sons of the MOTHER. But this traitor, manipulator and incredibly proud Phallo never let out a word about his past or origin...
Science brought new elements, but without revealing the end of the enigma. It was first, during the first Phallo's war (-776), the fortuitous discovery of the marvellous ruins of the Oreal, the exact place where the Sons of the MOTHER lived. This place was briefly searched, before being recovered by the Town. Its history is made of beauty and science, with magnificent statues, an eliktric battery and an algebra lesson still on a school blackboard. But it is also a story of treason and death: the unhappy likpas of the Oreal were slaughtered by the Phallos of the Town, who appropriated their culture in order to invent a glorious past for them. The known History of the Town starts at this moment (-1800)...
Science gave a better vision of the appearance of life on Likearth. Eight thousands years ago, Likearth was a boiling planet with a poisoned carbon dioxide atmosphere. But the appearance of plankton in the oceans suddenly made all the carbon dioxide fall off the atmosphere, bringing an end to the greenhouse effect, and a more friendly temperature. This allowed for the appearance of the other forms of life, in a matter of some centuries. But how these life forms appeared remains a thick mystery. Other discoveries, such as the atom bomb (stake of the present war), confirm some details among the more incredible ones, in the history of Haralik, like the dreadful souleyannes, able of incinerating a whole town while launching terrible curses for hundreds thousands years on the children to take birth. But no traces of radioactive fallout were found on Likearth...
However, despite these discoveries, nothing was ever found about the island of Haralik, what the MOTHER could be, and especially not her today whereabouts. Some hope that She is still alive, but it seems more likely that She was killed by the Phallos, even before the slaughter of the Oreal. But the Phallos are unable to provide any explanation.
To make things more complicated, the likpa scientilikpaters suddenly came defending an unexpected hypothesis: the MOTHER was a DNA swamp, mutating at random with the intense heat, from where the living beings emerged. Then the cooling climate would have killed Her, and then life erased any trace of the swamp. The Phallo scientists hurried on this hypothesis, which, after them, had the immense advantage of contradicting all the religions, with showing that the MOTHER was not a goddess. But some Phallo scientists noted incoherences in this scenario, and they think that the likpas rather want to hide something.
Add to this all the stories of TV receivers picking unexplained noises, of Likpa's secret bases with a parabolic antenna aimed at the sky, the complete blackout about what the Likpa's satelliks were seeing on the other side of the planet... the whole thing into a raging war, with a background of climate crisis becoming worse ans worse every year, threatening LikEarth with complete freezing!
So was the Mother a goddess, or just a queen of the likpas of Haralik? Or still something else? How could She create all the forms of life? Does She still exist today? To suddenly see all these antic riddles resurfacing in full fight, when blood and tears are flowing, that could seem incongruous. But so intense that nobody can resist the temptation to go and see, when all the replies suddenly seem at hand...
In only some pages, friends reader, you will know the truth. But I invite you to think before reading, about all the hints scattered here and there in the previous stories, and try to guess what SHE was. And see, in only some page, how far you were from the truth. Few science fiction stories went even close. What Am I saying, in is not science fiction, but very accessible technologies on Earth today.
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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).
Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.
For the archives of these pages before August 2024, look for: