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Likpato continues exploring the secrets of the Mother and the Great Censorship of the ULO. He will end up attracting attention...
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And the Reds, they cannot find back the disappeared likpas?
Figure that not, as the Grombrandrin had a kind of talisman, which cancelled the powers of the Reds around him. But this talisman was taken from him recently, by a fabulous stroke of luck (See «The Martyr Likpa»), and it was none else than his famous antic fibula. So the Reds begin to know what takes place in the town, but we cannot act openly until we are ready for war.
But how the Grombrandrins could make magic? It is impossible, they were all more stupid and narrow minded the one than the other.
We think that the true owner of this fibula was in fact the Great Chaour Priest, in the Oréal, that the first Grombrandrin stole him at time of the Oréal likpas slaughter eleven centuries ago. But it is not clear what really happened, and how the power passed to the Grombrandrin. The only thing sure is that he will never, never, never recover this fibula.
Yes the likpa scientists recently proposed this hypothesis, which explains naturally the appearance of life, without supposing anything extraordinary about the Great Mother and other legends: The live would have appeared into a lake of amino acids and DNA, probably brought here by comet falls.
However there is a thing that the likpa scientists did not understood: how DNA combining at random could give immediately such incredibly complex combinations required to form, say, a likpa? It is impossible, or then would have appeared quantities of other beings all most bizarre and different the one than the other.
There is an explanation to all this. Since long ago, the phallo scientists remarked that the thousands animals of the legends of Haralik assemble in families, and in each family from the simplest to the most complex. The families themselves follow a progressive evolution from a very simple initial animal, itself probably a bacteria. This could not be invented by the escrivayres and poets of the occitan likpas, and it is the reason why the phallo thinkers always considered Haralik as really existing, even launching expeditions to try to find it back.
This tells us than life would have followed a progressive evolution, from generation to generation, and this during millions of years. First bacteria would have formed into the DNA and amino acid swamp, then they went out, and mutated naturally. Then various forms of selection would have kept the more evolved, until forming more and more complex beings like the likpas. There is here no mystery, just very slow actions over millions of years.
But, today on our island, only remain very few animals: the rabbits, the pukerats, the squirrels, the twelve birds, the godes (likearthworms), the snails, the froggies, and the thirty-three insects. There was obviously a second selection, by accident this one, when took place the voyage from Haralik toward our island. Without forgetting that he climate eight thousand years ago on Likearth would have never allowed the appearance of life.
So I have my own idea about the way things happened. When Likearth formed, 485 millions years ago, the sun was younger and cooler, and the climate temperate. This allowed the DNA swamp to exist, then to the living beings to appear and evolve, until the appearance of the likpas and the civilization of Haralik.
Alas the sun entering the adult age, it became warmer, as do all the stars. And the climate became burning hot, destroying any life on Likearth. Only some likpas managed to take refuge in the fortress of Antakaralik. With my opinion the only possible explanation is that it is a very high mountain on an island near the poles, where the climate remained cool. But those likpas could save only very few races and animals... The nest things, you know them, it is the story of the Mother (probably a great queen), the slingshot, the plankton which resets a temperate climate, and the arrival of the first likpas on our island... with, alas, the cyclone belt which forbids us any contact with Haralik.
With my opinion we should search for Haralik near the poles, and for this build an avion able to fly over the cyclone belt. It could be a bilateral co-operation phallo-likpa, anyway it would be much more useful than to do war.
Err, thou knowest, what thou said yesterday, that the ULO was turning to the phallo... Just think that for us too, it is fairly difficult to be confident with the command. We are given orders, that we must execute without knowing why. Especially that, in the beginning, the ULO was created by the Mahaphallo! So, in these troubled times of secrets and lies, the words no longer suffice, we need evidences. We, we are likpas before all. And the likpas alway kept a mean to, say, do without the ULO in case it betrays us. And we need thee.
Er but I...
No, no, we ask thee nothing bad. Just, if thou see the Great Secret, and if it is not good, thou likpatest a letter to the house of thy likdaddy, and thou say that thou dost not like the flaming trees nuts. They alway display their letters in the common room. It will be read by who must read it. Likpate, sonny, many eyes will be upon thee.
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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).
Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.
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