The gentle Likpas

The Little Men 7: the great censorship

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The sad story on how the friend of the Likdaddy disappeared.



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The story if the childhood friend of the likdaddy is sad, so you can skip it for a merrier reading.

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‘Two innocent Phallo children, playing together...
Likpato wants do become a sympholikpatic musician, to expresse all the beauty he has in his head. But his parents start saying that he is abnormal...
One morning early, the Likdaddy sees his friend Likpato Musician, taken away by sinister individuals, his head hidden by a bandage...
His parents tell the Likdaddy to forget his friend musician

We were only chilldren, unable to defend ourselves... We even not understood what was done to us. I had no more friends, and involved completely in my school swork. My good results reassured my parents, but in reality I kept in my very heart a serious wound... I never found again the intensity of Likpato's friendship, even here with the gentle likpas. Sometimes I still dream of him, he calls me for help, sadly... and I think it is my fault, If I had tried to think at what was happening, I could have warned the ULO, and save him...


And what was his fate?


Ah, it's impossible to know. I asked to Master Silenius, he is a crack at finding disappeared persons. He told me that there was no hope left... Perhaps he was made a slave, or send to the psycho-torture, to end as so many others, anonymously, without traces, in the Grombrandrin's crematorium furnace.


Ah but it is completely dreadful, these phallos stories! How can one be so nasty?


Alas, Likpato was what we call a stealth Likpa: he did not understood he was a likpa, by the fault of the phallo's mind control tricks. More and more likpas take birth in town, and maybe a hundred of stealth likpas per year. The role of the ULO is to detect them, otherwise they end up like Likpato. Thyself thou werest found with the ULO antennae inspections, otherwise thou werest sent to the phallo troopers. The phallo troopers are in fact slaves of the kakeettes (The Kaki Guards). Once entered in Ma Soulta, the great historical barrack of the Kaki Guards, they are never allowed out.


Again slavery, we wonder if the phallos can do something by themselves, except to bother people.


But how such things can take place without our knowledge?


It went up little by little, in the town, after the first phallos war. No visible organization, just a network of educators infiltrated into childhood welfare, accomplice physicians, «specialists» which write in family press how to detect certain «diseases»... They intend to detect Phallo children who turn Likpa, as soon as possible, before their parents. Then they tell the parents that their child is sick, that he has «gender dysphoria» (Dr Diafoirus, Purgon &al) that he needs protection, to be isolated... They propose to send him into a «remedial centre» which in facts does even not exist. Then the child disappears beyond any hope. If the parents complain, they receive terrible threats, and very few dare to warn the ULO. Of course, the Grombrandrin's services co-ordinate all this. When we discovered this traffic, there was already a very well organized network, and we are still finding new accomplices.


Ah these Phallos, they really deserve a war!


Please remain in thy desire of peace. What the army badly needs, it is people able to rebuild peace, after the war. And the ULO says there will be a strong need of idealistic people like thee, as it will be very difficult.

Likpato is so much shocked by the fate of Likpato Musicien that he is having nightmares.

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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