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This music I like it, despite it is not precisely pretty. It was intended to give a sense of danger. The simplistic beat expresses the overwhelming force of nature, and even worse the sick stubbornness of the climate denier morons (Which today are software, so useless to try to reason with them). The main sound is a dissonant classical orchestra. The third part was born from a serendipirous incident: in Reason I was moving a clip from the drums section, and it passed over the orchestra section, giving this scary alarm sound.

In the story, the climate change is a cooling instead of a warming. This results from the storyline of course, but this inversion also conveys a message: climate is not a given, and we must be ready for drastic changes. There has been recent famines in Europe, and years without summer, because of large volcanic eruptions, and still larger ones can happen at any moment.

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