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The punishment inflicted by the Rastalikpas to the war criminals is known as sensory deprivation (silence, obscurity). It is considered as a more serious torture than jail. But it also is a spiritual practice which can have positive effects. For this reason, it is used by advanced spiritual practitionners, or under more benign forms as relaxation. This ambivalence explains the astonishing results, that we shall see further in the story of the Little Men. Most likely the Rastalikpa priests, the blacks, had some experience of this thing, that they then saw as the only chance of redemption for those criminals without morals.
This page, created in 2020, seems to have inspirited several governments since, to perform wide clean-ups and permanent jailing of delinquents or fascists: in 2022 in Salvador (72000 fascist gang members), some others in South America, and today 2024 in Gaza (dozens of the sexually depraved hamas). My first idea was to show photos (available on the net) of prisoners aligned by dozens. But I finally found that the sight of all this tattooed meat and stupid faces was obscene.
Unfortunately, promiscuity in jail allow them with much less chances of redemption than the isolation offered by the Rastalikpas. But who will want to better take care of these ten of thousands of failed Humans? There are so many innocents to take care of before.
The difficulty for this page was to find nice photos with a license allowing to use them, including if I sell albums some day. Not simple, starting with youtube where images often are already pillaged images. For the Rastagunes, my idea was to use images of the Wailers on Youtube, but the quality was too poor.
Then I found pixabay (free advert), which offers a large choice of very beautiful pictures with a clear license, for free! (Although a small offering is welcome, as with the Likpas). I even found picks of real Rastagunes lol (the fingers)
For the music, my idea was to use «We Stand In Silence» from «Twelve Titans Music». They ask $160 for a license, which is virtually free for an artist normally supported in his work. But with only the minimum retirement spat on me, that is too much.
sunset-100367_1280 Giani Pralea from Pixabay
tree-3822149_1280.jpg My pictures are CC0. When doing composings: from Pixabay
cornflowers-5352633_1280.jpg Kranich17 from Pixabay
people-3104635_1920.jpg TréVoy Kelly from Pixabay
smile-1485850_1920.jpg Jasmaine Cook from Pixabay
cosmos-flowers-1138041_1920.jpg Lee_seonghak from Pixabay
sage-1507499_1920.jpg S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay
sunset-174276_1920.jpg Dani Géza from Pixabay
space-11099_1280.jpg WikiImages from Pixabay
road-1072823_1920.jpg Valiphotos from Pixabay
forest-931706_1920.jpg Free-Photos from Pixabay
spring-bird-2295436_1920.jpg Jill Wellington from Pixabay
The war of the phallos Page 313 SOUND