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The realisation of this page was in fact spread over several years. I indeed had to start with the realisation of a model of the «Varuna Likformer» probe in the former virtual world Inworldz.



This probe was carefully designed to keep in the fairing of a rocket in the Ariane 5 style. Especially the solar panels and the instrument pods (inspirited from the Voyager probes) can be entirely folded, I tried on the model, and I could orient properly the solar panels for the video.

Of course the above video is not exact (it is a symbolic vision): indeed the probe is not designed to land on Varuna. Its mission is to stay in orbit for various studies, especially mapping with the help of the infrared telescope in the instrument pod. But while passing near Varuna, it will deliver the lander itself: the conical object at left of the main body, with the brown heat shield.

This lander is made of cork, stuck with... sugar, allowing it to withstand the heat of the atmospheric entry. The target is a high altitude lake, where the temperature is «only» 80°C. Thus, once the sugar dissolved, the algae and bacteria it contains can thrive and start to bring down the excess of carbon dioxide. But more than fifty thousand years will be required to bring the temperature low enough to send other forms of life.

The fantastic capacity of consecrating an enormous work for a purpose tens of thousands years in the future will result from the enormous spiritual progress of the Likpas, under the impulse of the Reds and Poetress, toward non-action and non-ego.

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