The Gentle Likpas

The fantastic Odyssey of the Mother, page 7

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The journey from the base Beta to the base Delta, where will took place the final assembly of the Mother on the Cursor Which is to be ejected by the Slingshot


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The immense, hyperactive base Beta!
How is built and organized the immense ring of geostationnary bases
Of course the Likpas have a very likpatous way to arrange the inside
However the mission of the Mother brings Her much farther, toward the Delta base, the counterweight thich holds the Cable tense.
The Delta base is a huge conglomerate of discarded parts forming the Counterweight.
The Mother continues a bit further, toward the base Delta prime, where She will be extracter from Her container, disinfected and placed on the Cable.
In the Delta Prime base, gravity is inverted by the centrifugal force: the ground is above, and the starry sky is under
Beyond the Delta Prime base, there is nothing else than the vertiginous cosmic toboggan of the Slingshot. The Mother is ready for the Great Jump!

This image of the delta prime station is a virtual model, which was realized in the much missed Inworldz virtual world, Halcyon simulator. It was made of «primitives» before meshes came in, hence the angulous shapes. This model was lost with the world.

There is nothing between the Mother and interstellar space!
Space is an eternity infinitely cold, empty, obscure, solitary... Would you click on «fire»? Video de la Mère sur la Fronde

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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