The Gentle Likpas

The fantastic Odyssey of the Mother, page 5

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The activities around the Slingshot, on the Auweara island


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The Cable eventually tamed, arrives to the Auweara island!
The functionning of the Cable, and why it needs to be fabricated permanently.
Vue générale de l'&icic;le d'Auweara, et les installations autour de la Roue et du Câble.


See under an annotated version, to better understand the different parts of this huge construction:


Same view annotated, of the Auweara island, and the installations around the Wheel and the Cable.

In the heart of the Factory, trillons of nanorobots work tirelessly to knit the Cable, atom per atom. It is a complex structure, impossible to create with chemistry: only the nanorobots can push the atoms in place.

The nanomachines are permanently knitting the Cable
Finding under the Spyramid!
A moving time capsule, left by the paradise Likpas
Measures to protect the time capsule.
The Mother is ready for Her departure, and She is brought near the Wheel!
The Mother in the starting position, the tropospheric tractor approaching
The container of the Mother starts rising, borne by the tropospheric tractor!

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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