The Gentle Likpas

The Mother Page 5

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When the likpas come out of the Mother, they find the world totally changed... and the solution to all the riddles. But the Mother must still be evacuated...


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The door reopening reveals a completely changed environment: the wall is demolished, while Likpas and Boobettes are evacuating the debris. A tank covered in mysterious writings prepares to raise the Mother with its cannon
The Likpas are evacuated from the Mother as heroes. These soldiers in strange uniforms are the famous White Helmets!
This well-prepared rescue clearly shows that the ULO management knew that the Mother was there! Thanks to the FATHER, who had informed them
The Mother is evacuated from the palace... Few have seen Her, but they will always remember: a pathetic wreck, more damaged by Her captivity than by Her fantastic interstellar odyssey!
The ULO has captured the studios of the radio and TV, and they propose to stop the war. They also explain the ruse of the ULO supposedly having turned phallo, in order to allow the real Likpas to work on the projects to save LikEarth: U, V, G, GC, MFA, P, and Alpha.
The tanks of the Boobettes authoritatively evacuate the Mother towards the Bigphallo stadium
Khaki Guards block the entrance to the stadium. But this does not seem to impress the White Helmets at all.
The White Helmets masterfully beat the Khaki Guards
A sniper shoots a a White Helmet. Without damage, given the extraordinary resistance of their uniform...
On command of the White Helmets, the tanks destroy all the structures of the stadium.
The destruction of the stadium continues, when suddenly a strange noise resounds in the sky...

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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