The Gentle Likpas

The war of uranium Page 12

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It is the victory! The surviving Black Guards will be brought to the terrifying «UQUQ MUQUQUQ» while Marlikpa discovers who the strange visitor of the belts is.


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It is the victory! The commandos have fun scaring the surviving guards about where they will be held prisoner.
Master Marlikpa sneaks into the bunker through one of the jackhammer holes. Inside, it is the desolation
Master Marlikpa tastes the Phallo Cola. Pouah!
Master Marlikpa enters a chaotic office. He finds one of the belts, and puts his arm in the teleportal. He senses something strange...
Master Marlikpa pulls a cup of tea from the teleportal! Apparently the person on the other side is friendly.
Outside, we find back the phallo tankists reduced to hitchhiking. They are picked up by a very rustic truck
Finally a mentally mentallydeficient peasant's son turns out to be smarter than the phallo military...

I swear that this image was created years before the invasion of Ukraine by putin.

This is what happens to those who do not read the Likpas.

Later, the bunker would be transformed into a museum, finally putting pictures on the countless disappearances of Likpas or children. The guards even kept a list of their victims!

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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