The Gentle Likpas

The war of uranium Page 10

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The storming of the Black Guard's bunker continues, with the appearance of an unknown character manifesting through the Guards' magic belts.


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The Black Guards rush to try to save the Grombrandrin, in a general brawl
A Black Guard ended the attack by disconnecting an eliktric wire. The Grombrandrin is injured. The eliktrical plug is of an unknown model, which revives speculation about «the others», whose existence the Black Guards also know about.
The unknown character in the teleportal manages to take another belt, for more power
Meanwhile, Master Marlikpa receives the help of a second tank.
This time Master Marlikpa succeeds in turning the Black Guards' bunker upside down!
OOOOH CAGADE huge mess in the upside down bunker, with all its content turned upside down
The Boobettes now have a blind spot to approach. They bring a jackhammer...
The heavily armed UPSILON COMMANDOS invade the bunker through holes dug with the jackhammer
One of the Upsilon Commandos is a blowtorch, he can break through the shielded doors of the Guards
The unknown character in the teleportal has connected all the Black Guards' belts to eliktricity, forcing the latter to remove them.
Marlikpa manages to suggest to a guard that he can easily take the Grombrandrin's place, since the later seems in very bad shape.
The Reds who were holding the Grombrandrin immobilized release him, so that he can waste his time fighting the rebel guard. Meanwhile another guard is being chased by a furious blowtorch.

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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