The Gentle Likpas

The war of uranium Page 5

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(summary of the hidden passage) While the Phallos are being delikpated by the Likpa defense, the Likpa's attack forces enter in the town nearby without fight.


In short, the Likpas' strategy was to wait for the Phallo forces to leave the town, to exterminate them quietly, with economic means. And in the meantime, enter the city without défence, with the bulk of their own forces!

The plan behind it was extraordinary: the Likpas had prepared the ground, blocking all the passages with large rocks, except one with small rocks easy to remove. When the phallo spies came to reconnaitre the area, they removed the small rocks... which positions the Likpas had carefully noted. So the likpas knew the Phallos' plan of attack, with a few metres accuracy! The most extraordinary aspect of this ruse, however, was that the Likpas placed the rocks... 45 years ahead of time! The grass had grown back since then, so that the Phallos did not suspect anything. Such a plan could only work with non-egocentric beings like the Likpas, capable of working on a plan which would produce its results only two generations later.


But what is the point of all this? Why take the risk of entering the town, when it would have been enough to repel the attack? Oh, just to allow for the White Helmets to enter without risk? There is something else... a plan behind the plan. But for which purpose?


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The plan of the evil Phallos and scraguns
The plan of the gentle Likpas and sweet Boobettes
The secret plan of the gentle Likpas and sweet Boobettes
The Likpa tankists avoid engaging the Phallo tanks, so that they can go to the town with all their forces.
The Likpa tanks enter the town without a fight, while the population does not understand anything.
The likpa tankists bbuy icecreams!
The phallos prepare to sabotage the bridge which separates the Likpas from their objective: the Royal Palace.
But the explosive charges have been replaced by a laughing puppet!
The likpa tanks enter the telescreen building, much to the dismay of the secretaries who fear for the carpet
The likpa tanks delikpate the censorship studio

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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