The Gentle Likpas

The war of uranium Page 3

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...then the one of the phallo tankists.


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The phallo headquarter launches the tank attack! But there is a problem: the likpating stones.
The likpating stones are booby trapped: BAOOOOUUUM!
The losses are huge... But the attack must continue, with a new wave of tanks.
The tanks advance in the night... But a likpating stone blocks their path! And no way to touch it!
The phallo tankists must dig a passage until sunrise... It works, except that a goofy leans on the menlik, triggering the ignition of the trap!
But instead of an explosion, it is a joke! No effect, save that it made them lose several hours
Really, the phallo army does not shine from its spirit...
No surprise effect... The phallo tankists are greted by humorous road signs... also booby trapped!
Again a ridiculous trap, yet very visible, makes lose still one more tank!
This time, the warnings are no longer funny... The Phallo tankists advance in a narrow gorge, propicious to ambushes...
This narrow gully with cave entrances is really scary...

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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