The Gentle Likpas

The war of uranium Page 2

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The attack of the scragun tankists...


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The scragun tanks are sweeping over the land of the Likpas!aquo; resounds in the poetic forest of the land of the Likpas...
But they still have to take a break for the night. The sentries are frightened by the noises of the night...
Pukerats! But the sentry should have looked more closely...
The sentry is distracted by the pukerats... She doesn't notice the strange silhouettes...
Suddenly a flash of blinding light!
Flashes of light are popping all around the parked tanks, with the scraguns extinguishing them... But what is the meaning of this? These charges are ridiculously small, they did nothing
The charges were thermite, and they blocked the tanks' guns! Fury! Such a trick, it can only be the Likpas!
A brief exchange of gunfire reveals a superior force of the Boobettes!
Shameful defeat of the Scraguns, while the Boobettes Likpas tell them about ecological powders and silent rifles respecting the poetry of the forest!

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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