The Gentle Likpas

the funny muzic instruments of the Gentle Likpas 4

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The social reinsertion of the groofios: the second college of the phacops, and the cumbersome third college of the pizza makers


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The second college of the flikpas


The groofios are not known for any outstanding gratitude they should show toward the generous offers of the state, which doesn't hesitate to expense a lot of money for their reinsertion.


So the groofios stubbornly manifested their disapproving toward the phacop college.

The groofios refuse to join the college of the phacops...

This situation placed the managers of the phacop college in an embarrassing situation. It must be known that each college is granted with equal funds, from an equity concern. Being unable to justify useful expanses, the phacop college organises costy advertising campaigns. Reports denouncing this absurd situation are regularly blocked by the syndilikpas of civil servants, who is afraid of dismissals.

The supreme boredom of being paid for doing nothing

The third college of the groofios: Pizza maker

The pub «the pizza of the groofio»

We remember the bar Pizzas of the Groofio in the story «the little men». This place is often quoted as an example of social success story with a former groofio.


Let is see what it is really going on here.




The pub «the pizza of the groofio» seems well attended

At first sight, the place, although not very clean, is well attended, by modern yougsters in this district around the faculties. Many use to gather here, at midday between lessons, around a large pizza, to speak of the world affairs. We even see some young likpas living in the town. As we know that the young phallos are much less racist. In the back, some old groofios also meet together. Are they really retired? How to be sure, as they never speak of business here. Add to this a phacop in plain clothes discreetely merging with the other customers...


All this seems beautiful and perfect. But let us see what takes places in later hours, when more special customers come on the hide...

A strage customer comes to buy a special pizza with little herbes
Young students celegrate their diploma (those who have it)
One of the young students goes to buy a pizza from Groof'... He also orders a special pizza with herbs, unaware of what this means
The student brings the pizza back to the party, passing near the previous customer, completelly stoned on a bench
The party of the students is going strong, with everybody very high, save two or three who did not tasted the special pizza
The next day, Groofy has to explain the curious effects of his pizza to the phacops. It is going to be tough, since they also found his special herbarium.

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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