The gentle Likpas

The Little Men 20: The Great Secret in Jamalika

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Master Selomene learns Likpato to meditate, in the former prisons of the Rastalikpas. But in the East Base, the atmosphere becomes heavy, from working without knowing what for. Finally, the new arrives that the town entered in war...


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Likpato and the professor exchange what they know about the satellik and the secret projects.
The dying professor asks Likpato to get out. While exiting, Likpato encounters Master Selomene
Master Selomene wants to perform a consciousness transfer on the professor, in order to avoid him the horrible karma of nuclear workers. After, he befriends Likpato.
But discipline takes over again: at night, one can hear huge machines digging endless galleries, where trucks pile up strange white bricks....
Strange noises outside while forbidden to go out, and tedious, incomprehensible works...
Master Selomene tells Likpato how him, a former phallo biker, had become a Red.
Master Selomene brings Likpato to visit the former Rastalikpas' prisons, converted into meditation cells.
Master Selomene explains that no prisoner survived more than five years in such an extreme isolation. But some had spiritual awakening and other extraordinary phenomena.
Likpato finds out that meditating in his bedroom is more comfortable than in the cold tunnels. In the meanwhile, the Likpas are getting tired of this strict discipline without knowing why.
Likpato tries to calm the doubts, but he cannot say anything.
Master Selomene, feeling the discontent, tries to bring hope... until suddenly orders arrive, making feel a close conclusion
Finally one morning the war starts! But it is soon over, the very evening, with a resounding victory of the Likpas. But further, as Master Selomene says, the victory brings the end of all the enigmas!

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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