The gentle Likpas

The Little Men 19: The Great Secret in Jamalika

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Likpato Discovers the life in the East Base, its pleasures and its fears...


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Fire in the low factory! Where RastaBoobette is!
Fortunately, there are no casualties... But the next night, it is the big gun which is thundering!
In the middle of the night, the surveillance radar detects an enormous unknown vessel! Orders are to fire a warning shot...
The big big gun speaking!
After the warning shot, the unknown ship seems to retreat...
The unknown ship responds with another warning shot! But Master Arhuban senses no danger...
Likpato carries out the mission requested by the two OLU soldiers, reassuring them about the Great Secret!
He too writes to his mother, wishing her to revorce. The mother, infuriated, chases out Soso.
In the meanwhile, the Professor observes the antenna n°2, in order to calculate the orbit of the satellik it is aiming at...
The professor concludes that it is not a satellik of the Likpas! But he is suddenly seized by a bloody coughing fit...!

RA/DP/QA/CE was the service in the space center of Toulouse, where I worked for one year!


Likpato goes to visit the Professor in the hospital... The East Base is under the rain, the Low factory burns, the Rastalikpa guards plant geraniums, and the source of the strange roars is hidden by the clouds...

Usually I love sunny scenes (this even is kind of a convention in comics) but here I loved to do this page of rain, with the reflections in the puddles, the plants reclaiming their rights, and the Rastalikpa guards who arrange as pleasant as possible a life despite their unpleasant mission.

The idea is that the guards also are persons, also worrying on the mystery, and not heartless cops as in the caricatures of dictatorship.

The orange light is the flare of the refinery, seen through the fog.


Likpato finds the professor in agony, because of the radioactivity he had received. But what frightens him the most is dying without knowing! He explains that he has spotted the satellik, but not its origin.

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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