The gentle Likpas

The Little Men 18: The Great Secret in Jamalika

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This is it now! Likpato is introduced in the East Base! With the whole group.


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Master Selomene explains Likpato that he has been arrested, so kindly that he did not noticed. But he also states that he needs to know the truth!
Master Selomene is in contact with the Likpater! It is a satellik, which existed even before the Likpas...
Master Selomene explains the climate change, an why secret action is needed

Since thousands of years, the Likpater observes... But now, he sees, far away in the North, the ices advancing inexorably, in places where formerly boiling water ran... ((This image has an animation))

Far away in the north, ice is advancing inexorably, in places where formerly boiling water ran...

This music I like it, despite it is not precisely pretty. It was intended to give a sense of danger. The simplistic beat expresses the overwhelming force of nature, and even worse the sick stubbornness of the climate denier morons (Which today are software, so useless to try to reason with them). The main sound is a dissonant classical orchestra. The third part was born from a serendipirous incident: in Reason I was moving a clip from the drums section, and it passed over the orchestra section, giving this scary alarm sound.

In the story, the climate change is a cooling instead of a warming. This results from the storyline of course, but this inversion also conveys a message: climate is not a given, and we must be ready for drastic changes. There has been recent famines in Europe, and years without summer, because of large volcanic eruptions, and still larger ones can happen at any moment.


Now Master Selomene becomes stern again: Likpato must work and ask no more questions.
Back with his friends, Likpato explains that they have to accept the discipline.
They are introduced to the AFM facility, starting with the cafeteria, open 24/24!
There is a Phallo here, prisoner, an university student, arrested hours after being part of the discovery of the Likpater!
Likpato understands that the likpater was emitting toward a receiver in the palace of the King of the Phallos... But who?!
Likpato is introduced to the purpose of the AFM project: an atomic force microscope!
One of the plans sent by the Likpater, in old Oreal script!
These ancient writings plunge Likpato into an abyss of perplexity: who made these plans? How can he have lived, eaten and breathed in orbit for so long?
Likpato learns eliktrolike. Otherwise there are a lot of pleasant activities and friendship in the AFM Project undergrounds!

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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