The gentle Likpas

The Little Men 11: Punch-up with the Phallos

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Unexpected reinforcements arrive: the Likpas had set up a trap over the Black Guards' trap!


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The new reinforcements immediately spring into action, charging the fascists on two layers. But other Likpas follow, bringing rock concert instruments «the Walkin'n cocks?raquo;?!?!!
A fascist in a green jumper attacks Master Silenius. Bad idea...
Master Silenius and the Walkin'n Cocks look like having a lot of fun beating the fascists
Master Silenius provokes the fascist with lessons of spiritual mastery, while in the same time bull fighting him with his zhen. Surprise, how can a zhen be so hard?
It is the victory! Except that, in the confusion, the Guards in the van take this opportunity to start the van and run off with Likpato as hostage...
While the Likpas reorganise, the fascists in the van talk about going into hiding.
There is something huge on the road, blocking the flight of the fascists!
The fleeing Black Guards are now bloqued by the Frontier Guards of the Boobettes
The Black Guards must confront the Likpa's cars arriving in the other way to block them.
Now it is the Boobettes trying to catch the van
Finally a Boobette shoots into the van! It is all over for the Black Guards, who are taken to the van of the Frontier Guards, to retrieve Likpato, still prisonner in the van.
But Likpato uses the somnilikfer to neutralise the last two Black Guards!

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Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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