The gentle Likpas

The Little Men 3: Likpato

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This time Likpato has a much more serious problem: when he gets home, he finds not only the manipulative Soso, but also a kaki guard (mirlitary)! These people are plotting to get rid of him, and the kaki guard can do this easily. But where does this strange likopter come from, peering through Likpato's window?



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At home, Likpato finds the manipulative Soso and a Kaki Guard plotting with his mother
Likpato tries to do his homework, while hearing the three evil scragins denigrating him.
The denigration continues... Suddenly a strange likopter comes flying by their window!
Likpato's mother is frightened by the likopter. The conspiracy continue, but Likpato can no longer hear through the door.
Likpato receives a very suspicious invitation from his mother and Soso.
The likopter reappears suddenly, diving towards the two nasty scraguns!
The likopter shoots at the two scraguns with anaesthetic cartridges!
The likopter winches up likpato, without even landing!
All happened so fast, nobody had time to react. And they seem not keen to meddle in this, doing as if nothing happened.
An OLU van picks up a terrified Likpato, while they they disassemble the likopter
The soldiers of the ULO evade the flikpates with an incredible nerve...
The ULO soldiers explain Likpato why they had to extract him so fast: the kaki guard planned to sequester him in the phallo troopers. Later on, they bring him to the Likpa's land...

Naviguer par pages: Arrow allowing to navigate from page to page. An image map gives the links for each arrow. Index of this story. Jumping several stories backward. Previous story. Next story. Jumping several stories forward.









Scenario, graphics, sounds, animations, realization: Likchenpa (pseudonym).

Now has come time to reveal: Likchenpa, it's me.

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